Congratulations to the girls who spent the first day of their holiday break in school completing in the EPRO8 Competition. The challenge to create an animal was amazing. The girls completed a video and report which will be submitted for this competition.
A big THANK YOU to Audrey Campbell, Bindy O'Callaghan and Vickie Ward for preparing these girls to compete. The dedication and commitment from this team every Monday lunchtime has help to shape the thinking of the competitors. Problem-solving, teamwork and construction have been developed in the co-curricular Construction Club. We are very fortunate to have these lead facilitators who are passionate about the value gained from participating in activities such as EPRO8. We are also grateful to the School and Parents and Friends Association (PFA) for financing the purchase of these kits so that we are able to offer such experiences to our girls.

Above and Below: Year 5&6 teams starting their constructions

Above: A crocodile with snapping jaw and moving tail

Above: The year 7 & 8 Teams constructed a woodpecker and butterfly as their animals

Above: The Year 9 & 10 team got to have a practice run through as well. These girls had a different challenge and they successfully managed to complete a rescue. Their competition will follow the usual EPRO8 format during term 3.