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Grow Ōtautahi

With the school’s theme this year being “create your own masterpiece”, there is no doubt that the Junior School has fulfilled this with the creation of their garden. The final result was an absolute delight, one to be super proud of.

Alongside the learning for the garden, digital technology played an integral part in weaving throughout the girls learning of photography, cloud storage and QR codes.

Year 1/2 took bird's eye, worm's eye and close up photos of flowers, insects and worms and are now hosting their Art Gallery in their classrooms.

Look at this stunning photo by a Year 1 student!

Year 3 have combined their photography skills with Google Slides.

Year 4 learned of Google Drawings and were responsible for creating bilingual signs.

Year 5/6 skyped an entomologist to find out what bug hotels are, where the best location to place them are and what kind of bugs are beneficial for bug hotels. The girls made prototypes and then made fantastic replicas for the garden.

The girls have used Book Creator to collate all their learning. Elle Liu captured her Grow Ōtautahi experience beautifully in her book.



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