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in Minecraft

SMC Minecraft Club is abuzz with magic and potions. This term’s challenge was to create Hogwarts City. This task was completed by several year groups Y3-10 collaborating together to negotiate resources, positions and designs. The noise level was deafening at times.

They created Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Castle, Ollivander's Wand Shop, a Quidditch pitch, The Whomping Willow Tree and much more...

Whomping Willow & Ron’s Ford Anglia Car

Quidditch Pitch with floating lanterns

My two wonderful student leaders, Anna Qiu and Ida Van Kan, set challenges for the club each week, run master classes in advanced Minecraft and inspire the younger girls with their knowledge and skill level.

The leaders use Microsoft logins & passwords to access Minecraft EDU. They allocate the same iPad to the same student each week. The leaders then use one iPad as the server to host and allow the other students to join the same Worlds.



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