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Problem Based Learning this term has been using EPro8 equipment, which has proved to be fun, challenging, frustrating and extremely rewarding. Y4-6 girls have been learning to:-

  • build stable strong structures

  • solve practical problems

  • engineer using pulleys, motors, gears, wheels and axles

  • invent simple machines

  • understand new vocabulary

  • solve practical maths problems.

They primarily created 2D & 3D shapes with aluminium rods, joiners with screws and wing nuts to create rectangular prisms, the body of fire engines. Secondly, the focus shifted to accurate measuring, converting millimetres to metres to create a 1.4-metre ladder of 2D rectangles. Finally, the girls had to problem-solve how to attach and raise the ladder with reels, crank handles and axles.

The second challenge built on accurate measuring to build a 2.5m long bridge. The girls had to problem solve how to construct the 2.5m span and more than 700mm height. Each group of two was responsible for building half a bridge then they joined with another two to complete the bridge. Bracing and deformation were two introduced concepts. Finally each group problem-solved to construct a road and a vehicle to be pulled along the road using a crank handle, a reel & axle.



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