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Lifelong learning - What exactly does this mean? According to the Ministry of Education, the following are characteristics of a lifelong learner:

Everyone is a learner: Enrolled in the education system and in it for life.

Everyone is a teacher: Peer-to-peer teaching is part of learning. Citizens with skills contribute their expertise. Learning is highly collaborative: New partnerships link educators, learners and their whanau and communities. Students learn through collaboration with others.

‘Learning to learn’ is a key component of the New Zealand Curriculum: With complex problem solving, communication, team skills, creativity and innovation recognised as necessary skills for success.

Learning centres accommodate learners of all ages: Learning is a genuine community activity. Learners may be connected to several learning centres offering a range of specialised learning opportunities face-to-face and virtually.

New Zealand Education 2025 LifeLong learners in a connected world.

This term, learners connected to share their expertise, collaboration and innovation to enhance their learning. But what happens when these learners are united, not by age, interest and perception? What happens when two completely different groups of learners use their knowledge and expertise to help each other learn?

In Year 3, the students have taken the opportunity to use fellow learners from the T3A class to help them learn about Past and Present Social Science inquiry. T3A is an adult class held at SMC to build confidence in digital technology.

Year 3 has been interviewing class members to help them understand past school life and what it was like to grow up in their era at the same age. In return, the Year 3 students have been helping T3A to learn and practice new skills using their technology. Connecting online during lockdown proved to be a highlight for all involved. Meeting during the last week of term to share learning and connect face to face was a truly wonderful experience for all involved. Lifelong learning is literally in its purest form.

Intense sharing - student teaching her honorary grandparent how to use computer coding to animate her story!

Honorary grandparent taking fastidious notes!



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