The SMC Minecraft Club have been busy this term focused on the Interface Minecraft Competition, titled Better Futures. Our focus was how we could save and protect our environment.
Greta Costello, Year 5, did some great research. She knew she wanted to do something with gardens. Her idea was based on a self-watering garden, so she researched to help her work out how to make a self-watering garden capturing rain water.
Katherine Nichols created a home everyone should have - a natural treehouse. The Natural Treehouse helps the environment because it does not use any electricity.
Kathryn says "The Natural Treehouse does not require electricity. Instead, it has sea lanterns for light and a lift made out of water. It is just like a normal tree! I love the way the windows look like the leaves of the tree. I wish that every house was like that."
Charlotte Maxwell, Ruby Wells and Annabel Scott certainly made me feel relaxed when I traveled through Golden Garden Reserve. Inspired by trips with their families these girls created a reserve where people could go to relax for their wellbeing and animals would be protected.
Ida Van Kan, Tru Bruce, Maddie E & Maddie C created the most amazing concept - a tree planting mechanism which replaces the same numbers of trees burnt in a forest fire. This team did a lot of testing with command blocks and build a smaller prototype to make their adaptations on. A very clever concept.