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Other Tech Groups

For senior students who are keen to pursue a project out of class time.  Evolocity is a programme to encourage students to develop their engineering, electrical and design skills.  Students learn to programme and attach an electric motor to a vehicle (bicycle).  Workshops in welding and programming are held free of charge to participants.  At various times in the evening, students must be able to get their own way to and from workshops which can be held at ARA and local schools.  This project is self-driven by the students.  The regional competition usually takes place mid-November.

















































Weekend warriors meet to work on the Farmbot which is a robotically controlled gardening system.  After selecting the crops to plant, the programme will help organise the raised garden bed. The robot can plant the seeds, monitor moisture of the soil, water and weed the crop.


We are seeking someone who would be keen to co-ordinate a small group of interested adults and students.


We are hoping to relaunch this group again in 2021.  Please get in touch with me if this sounds like something you would like to be involved with.

Please contact Linda -


We are hoping to launch a new group targeted at students who have a passion for gaming.  More information to come soon

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In 2019, a small group of students had the opportunity to travel to Texas and attend Space Camp.  A week was spent in Houston visiting various attractions including the Johnson Space Centre and then we finished our space experience with a week in Huntsville at the Space Camp.

We were so fortunate to have had face-to-face contact with a number of experts including astronauts, engineers and design specialists. 


We are hoping to offer students an opportunity to visit the Great Barrier Reef and attend Ocean School.  This trip is   

This trip is a chance to learn and make a difference in our marine eco-systems.

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