Our long awaited electronic kits have arrived! These starter kits contain a battery, direction box, a motor & switches. This is perfect for introducing our girls to basic circuits which will enable them to create movement with axles and gears.
The electronics kits will certainly add another layer of complexity to the building challenges.
The staff were super keen to get their hands on them, even taking them home on the weekend to play with. Our homework challenge was to make the fire engine move forwards and backwards and elevate the ladder at the same time! Check out the result.
These national competitions are intense, like nothing I have ever seen before! Each team works feverishly for 3 solid hours, keeping a keen eye on the leaderboard, trying to avoid distractions. Distractions like other team’s buzzers going off with theme songs, cheers of delight when others’ trials are successful whilst trying to contain their own and team’s frustrations.
Our new space in the Prosser Centre is snug, but It mirrors the EPr08 competition perfectly, in that schools have small designated areas which they must keep tidy to achieve points while decompartmentislising the 4 challenges and it can be a little noisy!. Our biggest challenge is trying to contain the squeals of delight and excitement during builds.
All this would not have been possible without the financial support of the PFA for our wonderful kits, to Diana for working her magic to find us a venue, to IT & Maintenance for the data projector, pinboards & whiteboard.
Many, many thanks.