There was a huge build up for our SMC internal qualifying event for the Inter-school EPro8 competition. We had three Year 5/6 teams competing for two places. EPro8 stands for
It involves the girls working cooperatively in groups of four to complete challenges set by the national organisers for EPro8 with a two hour time limit. The girls were given three challenges and needed to choose what they wanted to build. Points are given along the way for each part of the challenge completed.

Groups can change their challenge at any time during the competition, often changing challenges when the level of difficulty becomes too great. All teams worked cooperatively, sharing ideas and working together to build their structures. Our Year 6 team, The Firecrackers, consisting of Evelyn, Isobella, Rose and Annabelle took the win. Our other two Year 5 teams ended in a draw. The two teams were - GRTW - Ruby, Alexandra, Peata and Soraya and The Red Joiners - Caitlin, Julia, Anjali and Sylvie. These two teams then needed to have a 10 minute build off building the tallest tower. In the end our GRTW team took the honours. It was a close nail biter. All girls had a great morning and learned many valuable collaborative skills.